The Spirit of the Diamond

The Spirt of the Diamond

O mighty Spirit of the Diamond,
Cast your spell on us, humble mortals.
Majestic heavens embrace your power,
Where galaxies collide, and stars ignite.

Reveal to us your universal secrets,
Magnetic forces under your command,
Guiding planets in their cosmic dance,
Around the blazing orb of day.

Pull us toward the gravitational center,
Infuse us with your holy Spirit,
Impart your wisdom to us, we pray,
Renounce the demons, cleanse our souls.

Mesmerize us with incandescent brilliance,
Chip away our dark and hardened shells,
Revealing the authenticity within,
An unadulterated mind, free to soar.

Your flawlessness radiates purity,
Summoning Angels from realms on high,
To join us in celestial harmony,
Welcoming us with such delight.

Sanctify us with your transformative power,
Pour forth the nectar of the gods,
Nourish us on this spiritual journey
From now until the end of time.

#Diamond #Poetry #Sacredstone #April #Birthstone #Spirituality

Let’s Join Australia in Celebrating Harmony Week


Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world. Each year, it celebrates its diversity by acknowledging the integration of migrants into its community. It supports the value of unity.


What I love about this event is that it draws attention to how important the sense of belonging is to all of us. How do we as a society foster belonging? Let’s start with empathy and compassion. Then, we can throw in honor and respect for good measure. We must work on ourselves first to move forward as individuals, families, communities, and nations. Mindfulness, reading self-help resources, and engaging with others can help us become comfortable in our skin. Build up tolerance. Learn the tools to communicate effectively. Practice acceptance. Once you have done the introspective work, lean into your strengths and identify your weak spots. Know what they are. So you can work on becoming a safe person. A person who receives others without judgment.

Building Bridges

Building a sense of belonging requires effort and, thus, action. Belonging doesn’t just happen. Yet, you can make it happen by being the honey bears want. Draw people toward yourself, don’t push them away. Focus on others and practice active listening. Try new things. Do something different. Get out of your comfort zone.

Concentrate on what you have in common with others. Not what you might differ on. Build bridges with an attitude of acceptance. Validate yourself and validate others.


You, my friend, are a child of the Almighty God. Yes, you are. Shouldn’t you respect yourself and others if God created and respects you? We can choose to be optimistic and forgiving or miserable and bitter. Remember, if you want to have a sense of belonging, you need to accept others so they feel like they belong. In so doing, we build communities where diversity is valued and differences are embraced.

#HarmonyWeek #Unity #Belonging

A Tribute to The Groundhog

It’s Groundhog Day!

Image Credit:  Pexels/ Filippo Pinsoglio

Many of us are familiar with the 1993 film, “Groundhog Day,” starring the famous comedian Bill Murray. In this flick, he plays a weatherman sent on assignment to Punxsutawney, PA, to cover the annual Groundhog Day event. Does the groundhog see his shadow for six more weeks of winter, or does he not indicate spring will arrive shortly.

Groundhog Day,

“is a tradition observed in the United States and Canada on February 2 of every year starting in the 16th century. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day and sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den, and winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early.”


The movie begins with the clock turning 6 a.m. and the alarm playing “I Got You Babe,” a Sonny and Cher certified Gold hit on the Billboard Hot 100. Bill, who plays Phil Connors, wakes in his hotel room, only to repeat this segment many times in the movies. Finally, Phil realizes he is caught up in a time loop, with the same day playing over and over.

In psychological terms, he experiences a personal transformation. Phil’s character matures from an arrogant, self-centered one to a more authentic human being who genuinely cares for others. His pursuit of love offers comic relief to the often awkwardness of dating.

Lessons Learned

Lesson #1: Be Open to Personal Growth

Phil has an incredible opportunity to reflect on his day, reassess, and make changes for the next day. He learns to be kinder and compassionate by listening more and seeing life through other perspectives.

Lesson #2. Embrace the Present

The endless loop Phil finds himself in allows him to live in the moment. He learns to find joy in simple pleasures

Lesson #3. Find Purpose

Phil falls in love with one of his colleagues, and in his pursuit of “winner her over,” he realizes that love gives purpose and fulfillment to his life.


This movie provides an opportunity for all of us to pause. To Pause and reflect on how we would live our lives differently if we knew what was coming next. How often do we say to ourselves, “If only I’d known?”

This movie serves as a reminder to live life fully.
To be our best selves.
Not mediocre selves, but our best!

What does your best look like? And, would your best be the best for someone else?

Living my best self taught me to think more and talk less. I have learned that my words matter. My actions matter. My intentions matter. I want to make this place a better place and impact lives. The lives of friends, family, and strangers. I want us to come together as one.
One people.
One God.
One love.

#GroundhogDay #PersonalTransformation #BestSelf #Authenticity #Relationships #ServeOthers

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I and Thou: Happy New Year!

Grow & Glow

Mesmerizing flames ablaze,
Burn throughout the day.
Capturing cherished memories,
Clasp tightly to the heart.

Exploring new territory,
Venture out of comfort.
Standing vigilant, astute, and alert,
Listen to the gentle winds.

Whispering possibilities,
Eyes fixate on mysterious signs.
Welcoming new adventures,
Skip along the way.

Like glass being blown,
Into a crisp, clear pane.
Seering off the rough by flames
Bring forth a polished hue.

Casting off the dreary,
Let optimism flow.
Unfolding the tale of a new year,
Relinquish fears to set sail.

Embracing clarity through new lenses,
The flames to refine.
Dissipating the burdens of time,
Joyful spirits will warmly glow.

#NewYear #Reflections #Flames #Glass #Memories #Glow #Joy

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A Thanksgiving Mindset – Part 4

Achieving a Thanksgiving mindset requires gratitude, introspection, and transformation. We must also learn to intentionally pause so we can recharge and refocus. Once we do that, we can reflect and reset.

“It’s never too late to press the reset button on your life.”



Recharging involves replenishing our inner resources. It encompasses activities that rejuvenate our spirits—whether it’s through solitary introspection, pursuing hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or immersing ourselves in nature’s tranquility. This process isn’t merely about resting; it’s about actively seeking what revitalizes us, ensuring we’re emotionally, mentally, and spiritually equipped for what lies ahead.


Refocusing invites us to reassess our goals, recalibrate our energies, and realign our intentions. It’s about acknowledging the distractions that pull us away from our desired path and consciously steering ourselves back on track. Amidst the chaos of daily life, these moments of realignment act as compass points guiding us toward growth and development.

Our lives are so busy that we must consciously take a break from our busyness. Take a deep breath. Let’s think about where we have been and where we are going


Reflection serves as the cornerstone of personal growth. It’s the conscious act of looking back at our experiences, discerning the lessons they offer, and applying these insights to propel us forward. By reflecting on life’s twists and turns, we pave the way for continuous improvement. Identifying our personal blessings and the profound impact our interactions may have on others can serve as a catapult to more empathy, understanding, and a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of our lives.


Artist Credit: Clymenza Hawkins

Thanksgiving can serve as a reset button. It’s about shaking off the old, shedding what no longer fits, and embracing the chance for a fresh start. Picture it as a makeover for your mindset—an opportunity to grow into a newer, better version of yourself.

A reset is that pivotal moment where we let go of what’s holding us back. It’s about taking a hard look at what’s not working and daring to reimagine what could be. It’s that push to let go of old habits, beliefs, or fears that no longer serve us.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to refocus, recharge, reflect, and reset. As we express gratitude for what we have, we also open ourselves up to the idea of change. It’s like saying thanks for what’s been and getting excited about what’s to come—a chance to start afresh.


A Thanksgiving Mindset – Part 3

A Thanksgiving Mindset – Part 2 focused on a simple message. 

Transformation and Introspection.

Image Credit: @ Bohu _ Allure

To recap, we discussed developing gratitude, improving ourselves through self-assessment tools, learning and understanding healthy relationships, and practicing mindfulness. 

Let’s continue with Transformation.

This morning, a good friend of mine posted this to her Facebook page:

“If you fail, never give up because fail means ‘First Attempt In Learning.’ The end is not the end. In fact, the end means ‘Effort Never Dies.’ If you get no as an answer, no means ‘Next Opportunity.’ Change your mindset!”

Author Unknown

Growth Mindset

For transformation to occur, we have to change our mindset. A growth mindset sees challenges as opportunities for learning and development, much like the cycles of planting, nurturing, and harvesting in nature. It stems from the belief that we can do better. We can improve. We can become better people. Why? Because there is no limit on learning. We can improve ourselves by shifting our thinking and reactions and being proactive. 

Proactive to more intentional awareness.
Thinking before we speak. 
Choosing our words more carefully. 
Learning the art of “pause.” 
Listening more and speaking less.
Observing nonverbal communication in dialogue. 

If we actively practice healthy communication, we will eventually, transform into something different than we were or even currently are. 

Fixed Mindset

Shifting from a growth mindset to a fixed mindset, the fixed mindset perceives the world as black and white. It is, or it isn’t. Growth is stifled, like a dormant seed unwilling to sprout. Those who seem stuck might be fixated on something they can’t get past. It is overwhelming. Whatever the “it” is. One way of becoming “unstuck” is by talking. Talking it out with a trustworthy friend. Or by seeking professional help. We can’t fix a problem that isn’t ours. What we can do is to do something ourselves. Accept the situation and learn from it. What can we do differently next time? What can we learn from it?

 “With a fixed mindset, it can be hard to find motivation to work through perceived weaknesses because the ability to change may seem as hopeless as changing your eye color. In contrast, with a growth mindset, you’ll see your perceived weakness as a challenge that can be motivating — and even fun — to overcome.”

Mia Primeu, Stanford Today, November 10, 2023.

Thanksgiving to Transformation

Thanksgiving is the perfect canvas for cultivating a transformation mindset. Instead of focusing solely on what’s on the table, we can shift our attention to what we are grateful for—the love of family, the support of friends, and the opportunities surrounding us. A transformational mindset encourages us to foster a sense of appreciation for the present moment and provide grace (tons of it, perhaps) to those who surround us. As we sit down to a Thanksgiving feast, we can view the past year’s challenges not as obstacles but as stepping stones for personal and collective growth.

Let’s not think only of ourselves but others.

Pondering the transformation process begins with recognizing past experiences of ourselves and others, understanding reactions to life’s circumstances, and what we can do to make a positive mark on the people who mean the most to us and the world at large.


Transforming into people God wants us to be can only be done when we adopt a growth mindset. 

We don’t have to be fixed; we can choose to change

– a canvas yet to be painted.

Faith and Fortitude – Lessons Learned from the Story of the Showdown Between Baal and God.

Image Credit: Unknown Source found in the public domain

Wood. Stones.

Elijah went before the people and said, “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him. Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. …Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.” Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench.

1 Kings 18:21, 36-38

We continue our series of different types of atmospheric conditions used in The Bible. Today’s story focuses on fire which can be influenced by weather elements like wind, temperature, and humidity. In this story, drought, or the absence of rain plays a key role.

Elijah versus Baal.

Elijah was a prophet in ancient Israel during the reign of King Ahab. Baal was a false god to whom the Israelites were worshipping. In this biblical account, God used drought and fire to punish the idolatrous Israelites to prove supremacy over Baal.

Let The Contest Begin!

Elijah, a devout follower of God, foretold a severe drought due to their idolatry. During the drought, God commanded Elijah to demonstrate His supremacy over Baal by challenging the prophets of Baal to a contest on Mount Carmel. Both groups built altars and placed sacrifices upon them. Despite the prophets of Baal calling upon their god to send fire, nothing happened. 

In contrast, when Elijah prayed to God, fire descended from heaven and consumed his offering, showcasing God’s power and reinforcing His position as the one true God.

Lessons Learned

#1. Unshakable Faith Leads to Mighty Acts
#2. Listen to What Your Gut Says
#3. There is Power in Prayer

Unwavering Faith.

There is no doubt about it. Elijah had unwavering faith that God would win the battle with Baal. Faith gives us the courage to face life’s daily challenges. Believing that God will guide me through life brings me comfort. How about you?


Elijah’s bravery in standing alone against the crowd is inspiring. Going against popular opinions is typically dicey, for sure. Yet maybe it is time we stop going with the flow and stand up to what truly inspires us – like doing good in the world. 

Persistent Prayer.

In this story, Elijah’s persistence in prayer highlights the importance of staying connected with God through prayer. God wants to commune with us through daily prayer. Do you?

Perfect Timing

Reflecting on the story, God’s plan unfolds in His perfect timing. Learning to be patient is hard work. God does answer prayer by saying yes, no, or wait. Even if God’s timing differs from ours, it’s vital to trust God. His divine plan will be more than whatever you could imagine.

Take a deep breath.

Let’s breathe in the power of prayer and exhale impatience.

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Rain, Rain, Go Away – Lessons Learned from The Story of Noah

Rain. Wind. Rainbow.

The story of Noah and the flood is one of the first stories in the Bible that involves weather. Noah, a righteous man, walked with God in a wicked generation.  The corruption and violence of humanity led to the great flood. 

Noah obeyed God’s command to build a giant boat even though it seemed absurd and impossible. He painstakingly followed God’s specifications and gathered his family and two of every animal into it. It was blind faith – for sure!

Image Credit: publicdomainpictures dot net

Then God sent the rain – forty days and forty nights.

Life changed.

Lives lost.

Except those in the ark.

The ark floated on the water for 150 days until a wind blew over the earth. The water receded gradually, and the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat.

A raven and a dove.

Noah waited for God’s signal to leave the ark. After a few times, the dove returned with an olive leaf. Seven more days. Then, God instructed Noah it was safe to enter the new land.

A rainbow.

A promise was made that a flood would never destroy the earth again. It was God’s covenant with humankind. A rainbow serves as a reminder of this covenant.

Lessons Learned

As we endure the Dog Days of Summer, let us learn the following lessons from Noah’s story and apply it to our own lives.

#1. Practice Faith and Obedience in Adversity
#2. Practice Patience and Perseverance
#3. Keep Promises

As we meditate on these lessons, let us breathe in the coolness of God’s




Let us exhale judgment and resentment.

Let’s look forward to the ultimate promise of a new heaven and earth – together.

Because TOGETHER is better.

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(This is my “call to action” I’m supposed to include in every post and often forget.)

Lessons Learned from Princess Diana – Lesson #9

Lesson #9: Embrace Who You Are

Princess Diana was a cross between Oprah Winfrey, JK Rowling, Audrey Hepburn, and Mother Theresa. Her charismatic yet shy and soft-spoken demeanor displayed an introverted personality that magically transformed when in the limelight. Her humble, compassionate, and deep caring for the disadvantaged undoubtedly earned her a sainthood-like status. Her global presence captured her individuality, leading her to become the People’s Princess.

Diana entered the royal family as a timid and sensitive young woman and left with a strong sense of selfhood. Along the way, she expressed her individuality by sharing topics of conversation that were once taboo and then became commonplace, such as mental health, HIV/Aids, and banning landmines. Her authenticity made her all the more loveable.

Reflecting on my youth, I remember struggling with living up to high religious expectations. I couldn’t reach the bar. It was too high. Instead, I marched to a different drum. The turning point for me was my first work performance review. I finally felt seen and heard. It was a great feeling! For the first time, I felt valued and appreciated for who I was and what I could do. It gave me the confidence to be myself and pursue my passions.

However, life was not easy. After getting married and starting a family, I faced challenges and disappointments. Slowly the unrealistic expectations of a “happily ever after” and not hitting the bar eroded my self-esteem. Like waves pounding rocks into pebbles and pebbles into the sand, I, like Diana, felt insecure as my self-confidence withered away.

I turned to God and surrendered. White flag and all. My life needed to be nurtured and nourished like a garden of herbs and spices to combat the erosion it was facing. After my failed marriage, I met my life partner, and we learned to tend the garden in tandem. Together is better when two people are in sync and not in a tug-of-war.

Like Princess Diana, I learned that embracing who you are is the key to happiness. It’s important to be true to yourself and not try to live up to unrealistic expectations. By being authentic and genuine, we can inspire others to so too. Diana’s legacy continues to inspire people around the world. We can leave our own legacy by being a blessing to others by being kind, compassionate, and empathetic. By sharing our experiences and being vulnerable, we can encourage and support others who may be going through similar struggles. Doing so can create a ripple effect of positivity that can change the world, one person at a time.

Lessons Learned from Princess Diana – Lesson #8

Lesson #8: Be Kind

Image Credit: David Gray / Reuters found in the Public Domain of Images

Princess Diana was known for her kind heart and generous spirit. What small acts of kindness did Princess Diana perform? She may have been the first royal person to touch someone without gloves publicly and was the first to touch someone with HIV/AIDS. Her willingness to see eye-to-eye with her public was a gesture of warmth and kindness as the Princess frequently stooped down on her walkabouts, especially to her young fans.

To instill kindness in her sons, Princess Diana often took them to homeless shelters, hospitals, and orphanages to expose them to all sides of humanity. She did this to inspire them to help others as they matured into adulthood. Diana was indeed a “People’s Princess.”

Reflecting on kindness and my childhood, I saw random acts of kindness from my dad. Whenever he saw a friend or a neighbor walking, he would offer them a ride. My mom showed kindness when she picked up the phone from a friend in need. She would listen and provide encouragement. I often heard her do this as she would say, “A ha and hmm.”

In my first marriage, I tried to exhibit kindness, and I did so for many years. Until I broke. I could no longer be kind-hearted when I felt so downtrodden and disrespected. Children mimicking adult behavior. Poor choice of words. Poor choice of actions. I woke up and realized I had contributed to a situation where I no longer wanted to be a part. I had reached my limit of kindness. Kindness was no longer found in my home, and I could not be the glue anymore.

A kind person apologizes. A kind person tries to discover new ways to approach old wounds. A kind person is supportive. Encouraging. Loving. Life must be filled with kindness, or it no longer supplies the needed oxygen to survive.

Kindness was important for Princess Diana because it gave her a sense of purpose, happiness, and connection with others. It also makes a positive change in so many lives. In Parades, Princess Diana’s Legacy of Kindness, by Roisin Kelly, Ms. Kelly writes this about Princess Diana, “She believed that kindness was the best way to show love and compassion in a world that often suffers from the disease of feeling unloved.” And I believe it too! My life now is ruled by kindness. Kindness is the cornerstone of my marriage. My home. My relationships.

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*Written with the assistance of New Bing AI for research purposes