Let’s Join Australia in Celebrating Harmony Week


Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world. Each year, it celebrates its diversity by acknowledging the integration of migrants into its community. It supports the value of unity.


What I love about this event is that it draws attention to how important the sense of belonging is to all of us. How do we as a society foster belonging? Let’s start with empathy and compassion. Then, we can throw in honor and respect for good measure. We must work on ourselves first to move forward as individuals, families, communities, and nations. Mindfulness, reading self-help resources, and engaging with others can help us become comfortable in our skin. Build up tolerance. Learn the tools to communicate effectively. Practice acceptance. Once you have done the introspective work, lean into your strengths and identify your weak spots. Know what they are. So you can work on becoming a safe person. A person who receives others without judgment.

Building Bridges

Building a sense of belonging requires effort and, thus, action. Belonging doesn’t just happen. Yet, you can make it happen by being the honey bears want. Draw people toward yourself, don’t push them away. Focus on others and practice active listening. Try new things. Do something different. Get out of your comfort zone.

Concentrate on what you have in common with others. Not what you might differ on. Build bridges with an attitude of acceptance. Validate yourself and validate others.


You, my friend, are a child of the Almighty God. Yes, you are. Shouldn’t you respect yourself and others if God created and respects you? We can choose to be optimistic and forgiving or miserable and bitter. Remember, if you want to have a sense of belonging, you need to accept others so they feel like they belong. In so doing, we build communities where diversity is valued and differences are embraced.

#HarmonyWeek #Unity #Belonging