A Tribute to The Groundhog

It’s Groundhog Day!

Image Credit:  Pexels/ Filippo Pinsoglio

Many of us are familiar with the 1993 film, “Groundhog Day,” starring the famous comedian Bill Murray. In this flick, he plays a weatherman sent on assignment to Punxsutawney, PA, to cover the annual Groundhog Day event. Does the groundhog see his shadow for six more weeks of winter, or does he not indicate spring will arrive shortly.

Groundhog Day,

“is a tradition observed in the United States and Canada on February 2 of every year starting in the 16th century. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day and sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den, and winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early.”


The movie begins with the clock turning 6 a.m. and the alarm playing “I Got You Babe,” a Sonny and Cher certified Gold hit on the Billboard Hot 100. Bill, who plays Phil Connors, wakes in his hotel room, only to repeat this segment many times in the movies. Finally, Phil realizes he is caught up in a time loop, with the same day playing over and over.

In psychological terms, he experiences a personal transformation. Phil’s character matures from an arrogant, self-centered one to a more authentic human being who genuinely cares for others. His pursuit of love offers comic relief to the often awkwardness of dating.

Lessons Learned

Lesson #1: Be Open to Personal Growth

Phil has an incredible opportunity to reflect on his day, reassess, and make changes for the next day. He learns to be kinder and compassionate by listening more and seeing life through other perspectives.

Lesson #2. Embrace the Present

The endless loop Phil finds himself in allows him to live in the moment. He learns to find joy in simple pleasures

Lesson #3. Find Purpose

Phil falls in love with one of his colleagues, and in his pursuit of “winner her over,” he realizes that love gives purpose and fulfillment to his life.


This movie provides an opportunity for all of us to pause. To Pause and reflect on how we would live our lives differently if we knew what was coming next. How often do we say to ourselves, “If only I’d known?”

This movie serves as a reminder to live life fully.
To be our best selves.
Not mediocre selves, but our best!

What does your best look like? And, would your best be the best for someone else?

Living my best self taught me to think more and talk less. I have learned that my words matter. My actions matter. My intentions matter. I want to make this place a better place and impact lives. The lives of friends, family, and strangers. I want us to come together as one.
One people.
One God.
One love.

#GroundhogDay #PersonalTransformation #BestSelf #Authenticity #Relationships #ServeOthers

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