I and Thou: Decluttering The Soul Step 2 – Clean Your Mind

Image Credit: Decluttering An Overwhelming
Soul Tyler Speegle dot com

Spring is a great time of year for spring cleaning. We need to clean our minds as we open our windows and let the fresh air in. Do you agree? Our hearts represent our emotions, desires, and affections. On the other hand, our mind stores our thoughts, reasoning, and intellect. It processes information, analyzes, and forms beliefs.

In terms of regular clutter, most of us understand that too much clutter leads to disorganization. Like a desk, for example.

What does your desk look like? Is it messy, like mine used to be? Or is it neatly cleared from clutter? Are papers stored in files or loosely strewn all over? How about your stapler? Is it on the desk? Or in the drawer, out of sight?

If a messy desk can prevent you from focusing on the task at hand, think about what spiritual clutter will prevent you from doing.

So, go ahead, get the scrub brush out and…

Clean Your Mind

Hear the 4-Star General bellow a command?


Then, a siren goes off. The loudspeaker echoes through the stillness of the night.


Wow! That would make me a bit worried! Then, how can you protect yourself?

Good question!

Acknowledge Your Mind is a Battleground

Your mind is a battleground where spiritual warfare takes place. Negative thoughts, doubts, and lies can clutter your thinking. These mental strongholds hinder spiritual growth.

Identify Your Struggles

Identify areas where you struggle. Fear, anxiety, insecurity. Recognize them as targets for decluttering. So you can bring every thought into alignment with God’s love.

Make Time For God

The mind is noisy. At least mine is, most of the time! It is constantly gathering and processing information. Yet, we must allow ourselves to be quiet. Stillness permits us to hear God. Spending time in God’s presence, meditating on His Word, and surrendering ourselves to God will transform our minds.

Say Goodbye To Toxic Thought Patterns

Ask God to reveal any toxic thought patterns. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and the courage to confront negative thinking.

Fear often originates in the mind, but it affects the heart. It paralyzes, steals peace, and hinders trust. Try to replace fear with trust. When fear-based thoughts arise, intentionally shift your focus. Remind yourself that God is faithful. Recall past instances where God showed up. Trust that God is with you even when you are uncertain. Declutter your mental space and align your thinking with God’s promises. Reading Psalms is a great place to start.

Change Your Viewing Habits

The mind consumes information. What we read, watch, and listen to. It also shapes our beliefs, whether we think that or not.

Be intentional about what you feed your mind.

Avoid toxic content such as news, harmful entertainment, and gossip. Instead, try uplifting, inspirational content. Fill your mind with God’s Word and positive influences.

Allow God to transform your mind. Romans 12:2 encourages us: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” We can do this by reading, studying, praying, and reflecting.

Decluttering is an ongoing process. As you align your thoughts with God’s love, you’ll experience more peace, clarity, and spiritual growth.

#SpringCleaning #Decluttering #DeclutteringYourMind #MakeTimeForGod