I and Thou: Decluttering The Soul Step 3 – Clean Your Words

Image Credit: Decluttering An Overwhelming
Soul Tyler Speegle dot com

Fresh air.


Spring flowers.

It’s time to renew our hearts, minds, and spirits. Our hearts contain our emotions, wants, and feelings. Our minds conceptualize thoughts and feelings, and our words express them.

Today, we will explore what and how we say words and the impact they have on the world.

Clean Your Words

Words. They can build you up or tear you down.

Recently, I attended a webinar on estrangement. The speaker highlighted how overwhelming experiences distort our narratives, often leading to blame. When hurt or overwhelmed, we instinctively seek someone to hold responsible. But here’s the twist: in that state of overwhelm, we miss crucial details and context, creating a distorted story. This distortion fuels exaggerated or minimized blame, resulting in multiplying misunderstandings.

The vicious cycle continues: clouded thinking, jumbled emotions, and a lack of clarity. We lose confidence and retreat inward. The antidote? Talking about our experiences with an empathetic listener. This opens space for our “distorted” story to become a “mature” story. One that is appreciated, acknowledged, and affirming of the truth.

Be Choosy With Your Words

Just as God spoke the universe into existence, our words shape our reality. If we choose life-giving words, we can encourage, affirm, and inspire others.

Encourage others.
Affirm their worth.
Inspire hope.

When we speak positive words, we create a more positive atmosphere around us. Instead of complaining or criticizing, find ways to uplift and inspire. Replace negatives with affirmations.

“I can do this!” Or “I’m learning!”

Be Mindful

Gossip, negativity, and complaining clutter our minds and our environment. They drain our energy and deplete us. Let’s try to be more mindful of what we say and how we say it.

Be Christ-like

Our words should reflect truth and love. How did Jesus speak? He spoke with kindness yet firmness, honestly yet with compassion. Let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no.

When we speak from a place of love, our words become the healing balm of Gilead. Love is our foundation. It is solid, like a rock.

Be Redemptive

Choosing affirming words is redemptive, not only to ourselves but to others. It is a powerful spiritual practice that involves intentionally selecting the words that come out of our mouths.


Speak what you desire into the universe. Say positive words aloud. Speak affirmations and declarations to yourself and to others. Watch how these words will change your life and the life around those you love.

“I am worthy.” “You are worthy.” “I am loved.” “You are loved.” “I am strong.” “You are strong.” “I can do anything.” “You can do anything.”

Let’s declutter our mouths by purging harmful words and replacing them with life-giving expressions. Go ahead and declare blessings over your life and the lives of others. Take a moment to reflect on your most recent conversations. Are you contributing positivity to those you talk to?

Remember our words have a ripple effect and they impact our own hearts and minds, as well as those around us. Choose words that align with your spiritual values, bringing light, love, and truth into our relationships and experiences.

With God, life’s “overwhelming” experiences can be less overwhelming when we meet God on our daily walk.

#SpringCleaning #SpiritualDecluttering #Decluttering #CleanYourWords #BeMindful