I and Thou: Decluttering The Soul Step 1 – Clean Your Heart

Image Credit: Decluttering An Overwhelming
Soul Tyler Speegle dot com

Spring is a season of renewal, not only for your home but also for your spirit. As you dust off the winter cobwebs and declutter your living spaces, let’s take a moment to consider how you can apply the same principles to your inner lives. The next few posts discuss steps to spring-clean our hearts, minds, and words.

Today, we start with hearts.

Clean Your Heart

Just as you open your windows to let in fresh air, consider opening your heart to God. Let God breathe new life into it. Take Pentecost, for example. The Holy Spirit descends upon the disciples. Picture this:

Rushing winds.

Tongues of fire.

Different languages.

Wow! That would make me take notice! Then, how do you go about cleaning and opening up your heart?

Start with Prayer

By praying daily, you open yourself to God. You can commune with a higher power. The One who created you and who lives inside each of us. Some of us may say, but I pray, and God doesn’t hear me. Is that true? First, ask if you have accepted God. Accepting God is the first step. Acknowledging God as the Divine Creator is a great place to start. If you have questions, be bold. Ask God to reveal the power of his love and grace to you.

Then, listen.

Go to a quiet space and ask God to join you for a conversation. Once you have established a pattern of spiritual intimacy with God, keep the pattern going with prayer, worship, and meditation. It doesn’t require hours and hours. Just a few minutes each day will be impactful.

Ask for a Scrub Brush

If you have become complacent in your faith, ask God to scrub your heart. God will brush away all the bad stuff. You just have to ask! Then, God can reignite your heart with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Still Unsure?

Look at creation. Nature. The intricate design of a flower. The vastness of the night sky. If you are still unsure, read stories of transformed lives. Testimonies of faith, if you will. There are hundreds, if not thousands, on YouTube.

Be open to what spiritual gifts you have.
Be open and eager to consider opportunities that God presents.
Allow the Spirit to empower you for service and ministry.

Have Faith

By examining your priorities, you can rekindle your passion for God. Like the church in Ephesus, return to a new zest for life. Like a new creature!

You can become stronger in your faith. Remember, you only need faith the size of a mustard seed.

May your heart burn brightly with divine love, purpose, and a hunger for God’s presence.

#SpringCleaning #SpiritualDecluttering #Decluttering #CleanYourHeart