I and Thou: Decluttering The Soul Step 4 – Simplify and Prioritize

Winter layers begin to shed as the days of spring arrive. Leaves are raked to make room for the newness to unfold. Seedlings start to push through the dirt, and sprigs of life appear. Leaves turn green, and so does grass. The sun shines brighter, and the days are longer.

Today, we will explore ways to simplify and prioritize our spirituality.

Simplify and Prioritize

Identify Distractions

Spiritual clutter can hinder our intimacy with God. Like messy desk, a messy soul impedes focus and hinders our relationship with God.

What is distracting you from your spiritual walk? Is it social media? The busyness of life? Worldy pursuits?

Release Burdens

We often carry emotional baggage that hinders our closeness to God. We harbor ill-will. Bitterness, unforgiveness, guilt, shame, the list goes on. We can release these burdens by forgiving ourselves first. Then, we can forgive others. Remember that forgiving doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting or being a doormat. It means to forgive, as God commands. So, go ahead and release grudges and hurts. Let go of resentment and replace it with gratitude and grace. Detach from anything and anyone that hinders your spiritual journey.


Engage with others who have similar faith and belief systems. Join groups where you can be authentic and share what is in your heart. Make a point to have meaningful conversations with friends, family, and others. Fellowship provides encouragement and accountability. It’s like having God in your midst. More so than if you were not practicing your faith.

Easter is a time of forgiveness and redemption. It is time to reflect on the Cross.

Take time to reflect on God’s…

Use this season to turn toward God.

Image Credit: Decluttering An Overwhelming
Soul Tyler Speegle dot com

Decluttering the soul is an ongoing process. Be intentional, seek God’s guidance, and allow grace to transform you. You’ll experience a deeper connection with God as you simplify and prioritize.

Remember, be patient with yourself. As you align your thoughts with God’s truth, you’ll experience greater peace, clarity, and spiritual growth. In this season of renewal, may our hearts, minds, and words reflect the beauty of spring—a fresh start, growth, and the hope of resurrection.

#SpringCleaning #Decluttering #DeclutteringYourSoul #Simplify #Prioritize #Easter

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