A Christmas Miracle – Part 1


To faith-based people, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of their savior, Jesus.

Most of us are familiar with the significant elements of the Christmas Story, or as some might say, the Nativity Story. Like baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the manger. Then came the shepherds and the wise men. 

The Bible definitely doesn’t wrap stories up with neat bows. They are often confusing and void of details. Yet, the Bible has withstood through the ages as the most significant piece of literature of all time.


Because its words pierce the heart and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to each one of us uniquely. And maybe the Bible was written just for you and me!

The Miracle of Motherhood

Before we can appreciate and fully understand the meaning of Jesus’ birth, we need a refresher on noteworthy mothers in the Bible. We begin today’s post with the miracle of motherhood.

In the Bible, several women give birth to baby boys, who become some of the greatest leaders in the Bible. These Old Testament women faced infertility and were initially unable to conceive. Some were even past child-bearing age! Yet, through God’s divine plan, each went on to experience the miracle of birth.

Sarah & Son, Isaac

There is Sarah, the wife of Abraham, who becomes pregnant and gives birth to Isaac (Genesis 21:1).

Rebecca & Twins, Esau & Jacob

Interestingly, next is Rebecca, the wife of Isaac, who gives birth to twins Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25:25-26).

Rachel & Son, Joseph

After Rebecca comes Rachel, Jacob’s wife. Jacob is the man who married Leah by mistake (wearing a veil in the bridal tent) and then has to work seven more years for his Uncle Laban’s approval to marry his true love, Rachel. Rachel becomes the mother of Joseph (Genesis 30:22).

Manoah’s Wife & Son, Samson

Then, there is the unnamed woman who is Manoah’s wife. She conceives and gives birth to Samson.

Hannah & Son, Samuel

Next is Hannah, who cries out to God and finally has Samuel. After weaning, she presents Samuel to Eli, the Priest, who then raises Samuel in the house of God (1 Samuel 1:20). 

Each of these women was deeply spiritual. They each cried out and prayed fervently for a child. Some, for decades. Sarah even laughed when God promised Abraham descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky. She waited more than fourteen years for the prophecy to come to fruition. 

The Miracle of Surrender

These women who become mothers teach us that God controls even the minute details of our lives. Even though the Bible may be devoid of details, there is nothing in this world that God does not know. There is a plan for you and for me.

How do we ensure we are doing what God wants us to do? For me, the first step is surrender.

We need to let go and let God.

When we give ourselves to God, we open ourselves to new possibilities. New doors to open and go through. You will only know what is on the other side of the door if you open it.

Reflecting on a point of surrender in my life, a pivotal moment stands out – back in 2015. Faced with a failed job search in the tri-state area, I turned to prayer. “God, I surrender and will go where you lead.”

The Miracle of a Dream Come True

I expanded my job search nationwide, leading to a surprising job offer in Arkansas. Little did I know what God had in store for me. My dream of teaching academic courses was fulfilled a few short years later. Only God knew of that dream, and it came true!

How do these biblical stories relate to you and your life’s journey? Has there been a time in your life that you surrendered to God? I’d love to hear about it.

As we close, may this Christmas be a time for you to be open to the possibilities of what might lie ahead.

Go ahead and open the door.

#miracles #relationships #mothers #motherhood #christmas

Behind Closed Doors – Artist: Unknown (From Pinterest)

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