I and Thou: Spirit of the Dream

Image Credit: Creative Commons
John Atkinson Grimshaw [1836-1893]- Spirit of the Night

Spirit of the Dream

“Hush, my child,”
The Spirit gently whispers,
“Close your eyes tight and imagine a fairy dancing in the dark.”

The Spirit exhales a welcoming breeze,
A smile cracks from supple lips,
“Sleep well, dream. Fly and soar!”

The fairy spreads its wings and flies to every corner of the mind,
From past to future and back again,
Reality to fantasy, a veil separates the two.

Through the fears and the hopes,
The memories and the visions,
Celestial music softly invites.

“Dream, fly and soar. Bring joy to souls.
Creativity and wisdom depend on your magic wand.
Open your eyes and bring wonder to those who seek.”

The fairy waves their wand, sprinkles fairy dust all around.
The Spirit bellows, “Show the world hope and grace,
For all of us to explore.”

O Spirit of the Dream, fill us with your heavenly peace.

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