June Weddings – Part 3: Transformation to Christianity

Ah! June!

It is a lovely month, don’t you think?

And a time to think about love. The love of friends. The love of God.

In Part 1, we explored Juno, the goddess of marriage, and her central role in wedding ceremonies. Part 2 peeked at ancient wedding traditions. During the ceremony, we learned the significance of the bride and groom eating spelt cake. And, of course, the significant role of “Pronubas” in keeping tradition.

Part 3 will discuss the shift of faith in the Roman Empire and its effect on Juno and other gods.

From Multiple Visible Gods to One Invisible Triune God

Christianity swept through the Roman Empire. It became the official religion in 380 AD. This transformation reshaped beliefs and practices.

The Spread of Christianity (Map 300-600 AD)
Image Source: orthodoxchristianity.net

Imagine the upheaval, the confusion, and the uncertainty. An entire religious and spiritual system was being upended and replaced by a new faith. Ancient Rome, a pluralistic region, converted to Christianity seemingly overnight. From worshipping many gods and goddesses to the belief in one invisible triune God.

Hardworking citizens who had crafted small household gods were now rendered obsolete. Picture the uproar, the disbelief, and the resistance of business owners. The society they once knew was shifting its core beliefs right before their eyes. The worshipping of statues became a mere admiration and, in some cases, a symbol of power.

An Omniscient God

Faith took a new form.

Time and space limited existence.

But not God.

God, now unseen and untouched, defied the constraints of time and space.

Imagine a circle without a beginning or an end. Then, think of God. Try to visualize God as an all-encompassing circle. God is the beginning and the end. And everywhere in between. Not only the creator of the universe but a divine being who lives within each of us. This new God couldn’t be seen or touched. Yet, some were touched by God and were never the same.

It must have been mind-boggling for ancient Rome to undergo such a transition.

In the next post, we will look at the Christianization of Roman Wedding Traditions. Join us in Part 4 as we unravel the threads connecting Juno to the vows we still exchange in today’s modern world.

#June, #Juno, #Weddings, #Traditions, #Roman Empire, #Christianity

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